Counter DApp

It’s a simple counter decentralized application. Anyone can read it’s counter value and only contract publisher can increase/decrease it. Check wiki to know about the various tools used.

How to use

Clone project and create the executable war file

git clone

cd counter-dapp

mvn clean install

counterdapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war will be created in the target folder.

Start Dapp

java -jar target/counterdapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war

The application will run on localhost:8080

Create Ethereum wallet

  1. You can use
  2. You can use web3j itself

    ./web3j wallet create

How to get test ether

For ropsten testnet -

Ethereum endpoint configuration

Edit web3j.client-address property in as per your ethereum client.

P.S. This is just an experimental demo DApp. Feel free to edit it :smile: